Project 2 wip post
I believe that allowing myself to give over control to the program glitching my artwork is going to be difficult for me as an artist. I...
I believe that allowing myself to give over control to the program glitching my artwork is going to be difficult for me as an artist. I...
This piece is a continuation of my glitch series but playing around with the term "psychedelic Cowboy." I worked with my photographs to...
I am interested in diving into the world of video art. I want to take inspiration from collages. Something that has been really sticking... A fully automated Twitter bot that counts down how many days are left until the planet is irreversibly...
about me Being alive for as long as I have you learn a thing or two. who the good guys are, as well as who the bad ones are. I care for...
In this project I focused on ideas concerning religion and the divine. I wanted to look at the idea of the headress and glitch it in a...
Unfortunately, I no longer had VDMX downloaded on my computer so I could not record my Video as of right now. But! I still had the clips...
I did not like this method as much as I thought I would. It felt like I was only able to do a minimal amount of distortion in the image....
I struggled time and time again with the finicky applications used in the process of data moshing. After many attempts, this was the only...
I enjoyed glitching with audacity. Being left completely in the dark and having to remember your experiments was an interesting way to...
I am planning. on using vdmx to create a digital video collage of goodbyes and hellos. I want to look at the way we great each other and...
First blog post!