I am interested in diving into the world of video art. I want to take inspiration from collages. Something that has been really sticking out to me is the music video "the magician" by Andy Shauf. this is where many of my photos below come from. I think I am going to use adobe photoshop, premiere, and after-effects to achieve the look. I want to look at ideas of desolation and emptiness. I am intrigued by the dessert. over thanksgiving break, I will be taking a trip to the Sonoran desert to gain inspiration. Many if not all of the photos I will use in this piece will be my own photos. The piece will come together in a looping 3-5 minute video. I am also interested in making my own audio tracks to go along with the visuals. If I am unable to achieve the video effect that I am looking to achieve I will make still images.
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