Unfortunately, I no longer had VDMX downloaded on my computer so I could not record my Video as of right now. But! I still had the clips and videos from the piece! So I edited together what I could and got it very similar to the live piece! This is a piece that I am very excited about and plan to use this kind of video editing more and more in the future. I love the way that this piece plays with sound. I believe it is inventive and new in my art practice. I am nostalgic for the time of the psychedelic revolution. I hope that this piece reflects some of that. The idea of a live video project intrigues me. It also opens up many doors for potential careers and pathways. Many other people who I have talked to have related this kind of work to something that could be used behind a band at a concert. It would be interesting to work with an artist and make a complete live music video for a set list.
DA2 Project one final post
Updated: Dec 7, 2020